January 18, 2011

What I Did At Work Today

I actually did a lot at work today--work related work--but one of the extra things I did while I was eating my lunch was mess around with the Autism "symbol", I guess you could call it.  Have you ever seen the different colored puzzle pieces?  The puzzle pattern represents the mystery and complexity of autism; the variety of colors and the shapes represent the diversity of the people living with this disorder; and the vibrancy of the colors represents hope.

The design I did is a very simple one, but I wanted to make something I could have Stephen print out and put on a magnetic backing for the back of my car.  I haven't checked with him yet, but I hope he can cut the edges as I have it on the art!  If I do get it printed, I'll make sure to take a photograph so y'all can see it.  I think I'll do it about 7" wide, which willmake it 5" tall.

What do you think? 

Check back tomorrow.  I have the What Exactly IS ASD?? (Part 2) ready, but I'm not going to post it until sometime dring the course of the morning.

1 comment:

  1. I like your puzzle piece design!

    I hope you received my email the other day. I've been thinking of you and hoping all is going well... drop me a line or give me a call sometime.

