We've been a little busy lately, so I haven't posted for a while. There was a hospitalization, a nervous break-down and I lost my job. I'm trying to stay positive, but when you live paycheck to paycheck and only have a couple hundred in savings...well, it's hard trying to figure out how to make ends meet. If I don't find a job by the end of next week, we're going to be in some serious trouble. I filed for unemployment, but that is not even half of what I was making per pay period. We already live with the basics...basic cable, cheapest phones and phone plan, groceries have been cut long ago, no dinners out ever, morning coffee had been cut a few months ago, no new clothes for anyone--as it was, we only bought new clothes for boys or replaced ours when they got too holey, new shoes only for the boys, haircuts for me got cut down to one or two per year 2 years ago, and so on. I'll be going through our things--especially the boys' toys--to see what we can sell and we'll probably get rid of the storage unit, which means selling the things inside or trying to find room in the house for them.
I'm worried. We have special money set aside for Emerson's therapy, at least, that will cover a couple months worth. I wish I could start my home Scrap 4 Hire business, but really don't know how to go around advertising it and getting some clients fast. It's only been a week since I lost my job, but I haven't seen anything I'm qualified for. And since our paychecks just covered our bills and left us money for groceries and gas in our cars, I need to find something that pays just as much or more than where I was (since I had so much overtime at myprior job). It looks like my ex-boss is not going to write a letter of recommendation for me--after almost 8.5 years with the company and getting fired over something that had simply gotten blown way out of proportion and under false accusations--so I'm scared about finding something "good." I know I need to be patient and to not give up, but it's hard.
Today, I'm going to apply to a bunch of jobs online because it seems that the companies who advertise online do NOT want you stopping by in person...they often don't list an address, phone number or company name!
Wish me luck...I think I'm going to need it. I'll be back to post...maybe next week since it seems I'll have sometime on my hands...and then I can fill you all in on Emerson and what we've been up to with his therapy and at home. I don't think I've even discussed his OT eval yet!
Until then.....

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